Accessible Beltway Clinics Blog

B-Vitamins in Baltimore MD

B-Vitamins in Baltimore MD Vitamin and mineral supplementation is a topic under current debate. Many people know that they are supposed to consume a variety of foods, but feel that they might be missing something in their diets. Although healthy food is always the best source of your essential nutrients, sometimes supplementation from a Baltimore…

Is It Piriformis Syndrome or Lower Back Pain with Sciatica?

Is It Piriformis Syndrome or Lower Back Pain with Sciatica in Alexandria VA? Piriformis Syndrome does present similarly to lower back pain with sciatica.  With both conditions that patient reports experiencing pain that travels down the leg. Typically, a patient who has Piriformis Syndrome reports pain in the buttock and pain in the back of…

The Happiest Time of the Year!

The Happiest Time of the Year in Germantown MD Finally it’s here: The Happiest Time Of The Year! Our kids are back in school! Life and our routines can get back to normal. Unfortunately for our kids, that means for many of the overloaded backpacks. Did you know that a developing spine should only carry…

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis in Alexandria VA De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is a condition that develops in the thumb, after performing repetitive activity, that results in tendonitis. Patients often report experiencing pain along the lower thumb to wrist. As a result, the patient also notices that they may have pain and or discomfort, with forcefully gripping objects…

What About You?

What About You in Woodlawn MD? Here in Woodlawn, Maryland we are seeing school buses and back pack laden kids walking on the sidewalks again. I guess that means its back to school season with Fall and the Holidays right around the corner. For many of us this is the perfect storm of scheduling challenges…

Wellness, Systemic Inflammation, and Free Radical Damage in Perry Hall MD

Wellness, Systemic Inflammation, and Free Radical Damage in Perry Hall MD There is a huge surge in wellness, particularly in workplace wellness programs, but most wellness programs are missing what may possibly be the greatest threats to health in the United States and many other areas of the world. Two of the greatest threats to…