Accessible Beltway Clinics Blog

Acetaminophen: Scam or Worse?

Acetaminophen: Scam or Worse in Perry Hall MD? Acetaminophen: Scam or Worse? Acetaminophen is used to treat mild to moderate pain from common ailments such as headache, menstrual period discomfort, toothaches, backache, arthritis pain, and cold or flu symptoms. Since it is used for such a wide spectrum of pain complaints acetaminophen is the most…

Back to School Backaches in Baltimore

Back to School Backaches in Baltimore MD Here in Baltimore, MD at Pine Heights Integrative Health we see and treat people of all ages.  We can always tell Autumn has arrived because we see an increase in students of all ages with backaches…they mention the pain started “about a month ago, right around the time…

Common Spice As An Alternative to Over-The-Counter NSAIDs in Laurel MD?

Can A Common Spice Be Used As An Alternative to Over-The-Counter NSAIDs in Laurel MD? How many people do you know with chronic pain of some type who take an over-the-counter NSAID such as ibuprofen (Advil) or who use it for their routine aches and pains? Or perhaps you use it yourself daily for something…

Dehydration in Alexandria

Suffer from Dehydration in Alexandria VA? It is vital to remain hydrated, year round, but especially, during the hot summer months. With the recent heatwave that has impacted our area, drinking plenty of water is essential. Dehydration occurs when the body uses more fluid than it consumes, which results in the body’s inability to properly…

Keep Moving With Laurel Regional Chiropractic

Keep Moving With Laurel Regional Chiropractic September is coming up soon! What, you mean it’s still only March? Well, September is on my mind because I’ve signed up to run a half marathon in September! This won’t be my first half marathon, I’ve run that distance (and longer) before, and part of me wonders why…

Opioid Overuse Epidemic in Laurel MD

Opioid Overuse Epidemic in Laurel MD In this election season, sometimes the information and changes coming from Congress can seem overwhelming. This year though, one of the many issues that were considered was fighting the opioid overuse epidemic. Many persons first exposure to this medication is though treatment of painful conditions. Although most opioid medications…