Winter and Bacteria in Germantown MD

Winter and Bacteria in Germantown MD

little girl sneezing

Winter can be a time when bacteria and viruses can take a toll on our immune system. It is also a time that our exercise program may take a backseat if we see snow and icicles, or even if there is merely the threat of them. Even with these winter time challenges, there are things you can do to help keep you healthier this winter.

  • Wash your hands!!! Your mother was right, you need to wash your hands after using the restroom, and before you eat. It is the best way to kill bacteria and viruses. Lather up for about 30 seconds, rinse, and you just gave yourself a chance to remain healthy.
  • Drink water. We don\'t think about it as much during the winter as we do the summer, but we still have to stay hydrated.
  • Eat more fiber. During the Holidays it is a challenge to eat properly. This can continue throughout the Winter unfortunately. So add a little fiber to your diet
  • Reduce stress. I know, easier said then done! But try. Stress can adversely effect our immune system, and make you more vulnerable to getting sick.
  • Exercise! Now as a Chiropractor in Germantown, MD this may be one of the most important from my point of view. We all need to exercise, we all know that, but it is often a challenge this time of year. Try exercising indoors, build a snowman, get outside on the nicer days. MOVE!!!
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