Growing Healthy Herbs in Woodlawn MD

Growing Healthy Herbs in Woodlawn MD

wellness items

Here at Barrett Family Chiropractic in Woodlawn, Maryland we do more than just care for your neck pain, back pain and general musculoskeletal ailments. Dr. Barrett and Staff care about helping you achieve and maintain your optimum health. One way you can improve your health is by incorporating herbs with important health benefits into you diet. Make this fun by growing your own mini herb garden in containers outside or on your window sill. I grow mine in containers that hang off of the railings around my front porch…keep it close tot he kitchen.

Basil is easy to grow even if you don\'t have a green thumb. It grows well from seeds and is ready to harvest in 30 to 60 days. The tasty leaves are wonderful tossed in salads or on tomatoes with cheese (I prefer fresh mozzarella). Try it in soups, chopped in a fruit salad or as the main ingredient in a pesto sauce. Just a few of Basil\'s healthy benefits are its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Basil is also an excellent source of Iron.

Parsley is also very easy to grow from seed and you will get a lot of usable leaves from a small amount of plants throughout the growing season. Great in salads or chopped over pasta dishes, parsley helps control blood cholesterol and is rich in anti-oxidants, fiber and essential B vitamins. One recent study suggests a link between the chemical apigenin found in parsley to the prevention of breast cancer. Nibble a little parsley after a garlic filled meal to help tame that garlic breath.

Rosemary is a very hardy plant and can often last through our Mid-Atlantic winters. It can be a little difficult to start from seed so I usually start with a small plant or two and I let them grow so I can keep harvesting sprigs and leaves over several years. Rosemary has a great fragrance and just inhaling the scent can help with mental concentration. Simmer some sprigs in water to spread the scent throughout your home. Rosemary is also full of natural anti-oxidant, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal chemicals. It is also FULL of many vitamins, like vitamin A which promotes healthy vision and healthy skin. Toss some leaves into soups and salads, use them as rubs for meats or place a sprig or two on meats and fish when roasting or grilling.

So, you see, growing your own herbs for use in your cooking can be healthful and fun. Give Barrett Family Chiropractic in Woodlawn, Maryland a call at (410) 265-9911 and schedule an appointment. Get healthy and stay healthy with chiropractic care and some culinary experimentation!

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