What Do Eggs and Chiropractic Have In Common in Perry Hall?

What Do Eggs and Chiropractic Have In Common in Perry Hall?

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Approximately 40 years ago the popular media jumped on the band wagon that foods containing large amounts of cholesterol would cause heart disease. The common chicken egg was caught up in this ill-conceived media storm and categorized as a poor food choice. As a consequence of this smear campaign the per-capita consumption of egg consumption dropped by thirty percent and many people were denied the health benefits of eating eggs.

Similarly, unsubstantiated rumors about chiropractic care caused a distrust of chiropractic as a valid healthcare profession. Recent studies have shown chiropractic to be highly beneficial for preserving health as well as treating specific conditions more effectively than other common treatment modalities. Unfortunately, like the people who missed out on the health benefits offered by consuming eggs, many people are suffering needlessly due to the misrepresentation of chiropractic care.

An egg has zero carbohydrates, is sugar-free, contains no gluten, but will supply six grams of protein. Bearing in mind this nutritional information places eggs into the category of being a dietary staple. Considering that eggs can be boiled, scrambled, poached, fried, or included in other recipes makes the disparaged egg an extremely versatile and easy to prepare food.

Eggs score highly on the satiety scale meaning that they satisfy you, make you feel full, and reduce caloric intake of other, possibly unhealthy foods. With all of these great aspects of eggs it is difficult to find a better choice for any meal or snack. The egg truly is a healthy food that is very easy to use in any number of ways in your culinary pursuits.

The egg and chiropractic care are both misunderstood items that should be a regular part of your personal health promoting plan. See your local Doctor of Chiropractic for other healthy eating tips and to schedule your chiropractic appointment to maintain your health naturally.

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