Being A Chiropractor in Germantown MD

Being A Chiropractor in Germantown MD

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While being a Chiropractor in Germantown, MD for a very long time, I do realize that people will on occasion travel out of the area. And while traveling can be: fun, stressful, combination of both, a common denominator for both is that traveling can cause back pain. If you are sitting in a car or plane for a long period of time, low back pain can easily be provoked.

I recently traveled to and from CA by plane. Now I\'m not the largest human being, but those seats are tiny and uncomfortable. To try to limit the stress on my back, I took the pillow that was available and put it in the small of my back. Why? Because sitting causes your entire spine to straighten out, causing an increase in pressure on the lumbar spine by 150%!!! So to try to limit this a bit, I wanted to try to re-establish some of the lumbar curvature. By adding the pillow, this will help push your lumbar spine forward some, thus eliminating some of that excess pressure on your back, and hopefully reduce or eliminate some potential lower back pain.

Happy traveling.

Chiropractic VA and MD Accessible Beltway Clinics