Nonspecific Shoulder Pain and Chiropractic Care

Nonspecific Shoulder Pain and Chiropractic Care

shoulder pain

Nonspecific shoulder pain is a commonly seen ailment in chiropractic practice. The pain and stiffness of nonspecific shoulder pain is almost universally suffered by the population at large and it can be a significant cause of disability. The exceedingly high percentage of people using computers or texting on their cellular phones contribute strongly to the incidence of nonspecific shoulder pain with symptoms tending to linger for 12 months or longer. It is rare for this type of pain to resolve on its own.

Before we begin our discussion of nonspecific shoulder pain be have to define it so we can have a focused dialogue regarding this condition. Nonspecific shoulder pain refers to shoulder pain that has no clear pathology or physical signs that point to a specific muscle, ligament, or tendon that is causing pain. Clear pathology or physical signs that point to a specific cause of shoulder pain may include infection, neoplasm (tumors), fractures, instability of shoulder tissues, dislocation of the joint, pain related to surgical operations, or other inflammatory diseases. Common yet specific causes of shoulder pain that are not included in the category of nonspecific shoulder pain includes (but is not limited to) myofascial trigger points, bursitis, impingement syndromes, rotator-cuff injury, or adhesive capsulitis.

Most of the available research involves massage to the lateral border of the scapula, the anterior deltoid muscle, and the posterior deltoid. While the available research in this area could be more specific as to exactly what treatment yielded desired results and its relationship to specific, identifiable conditions the overall concept of massage being helpful to treat nonspecific shoulder pain is accumulating. The available research is clearly showing that massage is helpful in improving range-of-motion in nonspecific shoulder pain syndromes, relieving pain, and improving shoulder function. In a chiropractic office massage can include the hands-on type of massage most people think of when massage is mentioned but it may also include trigger point therapy of various types, the use of hand-held electric massagers, or various physical therapeutic modalities that accomplish the same task of removing trigger points to return normal function to over-worked or injured muscles. Additionally, chiropractic care restores normal joint motion so muscles return to normal function and remain in that capacity. If you or a loved one suffers from

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