Knee Replacement and Chiropractic Care to Relieve Post-Surgical Pain in Baltimore MD

Knee Replacement and Chiropractic Care to Relieve Post-Surgical Pain in Baltimore MD

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When an orthopedic surgeon places a mechanical apparatus that was designed to replace bone and cartilage is implanted into a patient\'s legs it replaces structures that are no longer capable of performing their intended duties. In this procedure, metal and polyethylene are substituted for the lower portion of the femur (the upper leg bone), the top surface of the tibia (the lower leg bone), and the back portion of the patella (knee cap). Of course, the new metal and polyethylene parts cannot feel pain but the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves in the knee area can and do generate pain from a variety of reasons. It is pain from these tissues that encourages patients to seek help from chiropractic offices such as Pine Heights Integrative Health.

Knee replacements are performed on women more often than men and as the success rate and demand for this procedure has increased the frequency of it being performed have multiplied to where there are now approximately 543,000 knee replacements performed each year making total knee replacements the most common orthopedic procedure for older people. This is very understandable because most total knee replacements are performed due to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis can be caused by many things such as injury to the knee joint, wear and tear occurring over many years of normal use, and obesity that multiplies the damage caused to the knee joint as time moves on.

Most patients who have undergone total knee replacement will be walking fairly well in one or two months but some may still be experiencing difficulty in walking many months after the surgery was performed. In such cases, the staff at Pine Heights Integrative Health has found it helpful to use low level laser (also known as cold laser) in addition to various physical therapeutic modalities. It is also prudent to use orthotics Foot Levelers orthotics that fit in a patient\'s shoes to normalize the postural aspects of the body thereby taking abnormal stresses off the new knee. By removing pain generating from muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves in the knee area post-surgical knee pain is removed or at least reduced. See your Baltimore Doctor of Chiropractic today to see if your post-surgical knee pain can be relieved with conservative care.

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